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Real Estate

You Can’t Afford NOT to Buy a Home!

The cost of rental housing in the U.S. has increased an average of three percent (3%) per year over the last five (5) years. If this continues, an apartment or home renting for $800 per month today will cost more than $900 a month in five (5) years. None of this money is returned to you, either through savings or as an investment.

Homeownership, on the other hand, has tax advantages over renting a home, and those advantages can help you save money. Unlike your monthly rent payments, part of your monthly mortgage payment “comes back to you” in tax savings.

Why Rent When You Can Own a Home?

  • Rent-to-Own Homes – I can find you the right home
  • Owner Financing – I help you with the legal documents needed

RENT-TO-OWN Advantages

  • Make payments towards ownership, not just rent
  • Perfect if you cannot quality for a loan
  • Gives you time to save money towards home ownership
  • Future tax savings

For the majority of Americans, their home is their largest financial asset and a major player in their investment portfolio. The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® estimates that home value rises, on average, by 4.5 percent a year. That’s also a steady return on investment.

Why a Real Estate Agent?

Real estate transactions are one of the biggest financial investments most people will make in their lifetime. Transactions today usually exceed $60,000. If you had a $60,000 income tax problem, would you attempt to deal with it without the help of a CPA? If you had a $60,000 legal question, would you deal with it without the help of an attorney? Considering the small upside cost and the large downside risk, it would be foolish to consider a deal in real estate without the professional assistance of a REALTOR®!

I AM a REAL ESTATE AGENT/Broker Associate and INVESTOR. I can help you to find the right property, and assist you with your questions and concerns every step of the way – until you are walking through the door of your dream home as a new homeowner!

Contact Me

Interested ? You can contact me at any time, I will be happy to support you